Internet of Things
IOT Apps Development
iOS and Android Bluetooth apps development for IOT Devices
As Internet of Things App Developers we feel the next-generation technological developments are poised to make the Internet more than just a virtual space.
The Internet of Things apps are based on technologies like tagging, Bluetooth connectivity and NFC near-field communications, which allow for online representations of objects existing in the real world. This creates exciting new interactive possibilities, with some industry insiders estimating that up to 30 billion wireless device connections to the Internet of Things by the end of the decade.
IOT and its connected devices is already transforming industry; will transform the way people interact with the whole world. Emergency response and continuous care services will become more efficient, most cost-effective, more accessible and more reliable. Smart city urban planning and waste management will benefit from powerful new capabilities.Your home will become more connected and use less energy. You will be able to engage socially in never-before-seen ways.
There will also be a tremendous need for technological tools to help shape and guide our interactions with the Internet of Things. The coming years will be exciting, and productive with the Internet of Things.
Internet of things app development for Bluetooth Connected Devices
Bluetooth® Smart and Bluetooth Smart Ready products represent a quantum leap for Bluetooth technology, allowing billions of previously disconnected devices to join the connected world.
Most iOS and Android devices now widely support Bluetooth device connectivity, enabling mobile app developers to create innovative mobile products with the native support of key Bluetooth profiles and functionality. This means that real-world devices can communicate seamlessly with mobile apps as well as be controlled remotely from up to 100 feet away.
Arduino App Development

Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It is intended for artists, designers, hobbyists and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.
The applications possibilities created by Arduino are endless. The platform can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors and can affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators. Arduino projects can be stand-alone or they can communicate with software running on a computer or via a mobile application.
Kickstart IoT apps! With Evothings ©

With quality Evothings (© plugins we can develop mobile apps to connect products iBeacons, Estimote etc and provide cloud services platform for remote monitoring of the products and for enabling communication. Check out free accelerometer app in app store
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