One of the transformative factors today is reactive display data in real time. Not only the demand for real-time information has increased, but also the way it is being consumed. Firebase has made a name for itself for getting it accomplished in the recent times.The platform to power synchronized digital experiences in realtime. Guaranteed to deliver at scale also is ABLY.
Chat boxes changing color, animations for messages read/not read, tracking moving objects with fluid animation on a map and so on. The sole purpose here is to engage the user and facilitate one-to-one interaction in real-time reactively. And help in client side comes from the marvellous Vue.js interfaces development
A large part of this happens with the help of server infrastructure and platforms. Capturing inputs, processing them and showing them on the other side in the same moment; it is all necessary.
A lot of developers are turning to Firebase or Ably for quick creation and deployment of interactive content that has real-time visual elements. With increasing demand to make great apps, a demand always existed from app developers to be able to easily use such technologies. Firebase, Ably etc filled into that void.
Some of the most common use case scenarios of Firebase, Ably etc-
Create a presence system for Twilio chat/messaging apps-
The delivery blue ticks on whatsapp or the small dot in FB messenger that rolls down in real time as your friends read a chat, all those can be done with Firebase. You can create an entire presence system in Firebase.
Apart from these, chat apps come with other types of animations as well. If you recall the chat app animation for hangouts, they come with subsidiary features such as colours, pop-up animations etc. Developers can easily create such animations for their own apps. In other words, It is easy and everyone can get it for their app(s).
Create white board etc – reactive display data in real time
Mobile apps are increasingly the possibilities of co-working spaces with rapid exchange of information. Whatever is produced is readily shared across devices. Technology such as Firebase are making it happen for individual developers too. Now, if a developer is dreaming to make something like google docs, where multiple people can edit a document and see those changes happening too, in real time, it is possible.
Two users editing a doc while seeing the edit happen at the same time too
Create Games Leaderboards-
Leaderboards are important for game apps. Leaderboards call for rapid change of data and a need to show it changing at the same time too. When you are making a MMORP game, you need leaderboards that comes with various types of data display functionalities and styles. Firebase can be used to accomplish this task.
Leaderboards display information for gamers in real time
Smooth and Detailed Navigation-
Carpooling and ridesharing apps are all over nowadays although inhibited by Covid. Navigation is essential and must have visual comprehension. A user should be able to comprehend movements of the car or a group of cars. One can also use Firebase to track and direct movement of a system consisting of multiple vehicles and their geolocations. Apart from carpooling app businesses, they can also be used for enterprise and government projects such as trains, BRT networks etc.
Autorefresh News Feed-
Apps like Slack and Facebook must have the ability to refresh the feed on their own. It is necessary and a myriad of applications are demanding the same at this point of time. Auto refresh is a powerful feature and Firebase helps developers at the most basic levels to create Auto refresh Feeds.
There can be endless use case scenarios of Firebase or Ably and it only depends on what challenges your project brings with respect to real-time data usage and demonstration.