Car Dealership app help auto dealers engage with customers. Dealer mobile communication for car dealerships and OEMs helps them to interact with car/vehicle owners via mobile app. Car dealer apps helps to bridge the abyss between dealers and vehicle owners. Having an auto dealership app helps auto dealers to boost income, by increasing off take of vehicles.
Car dealership app deepens relationships with your clients and boost new car sales, the branded easy to customize and is the best all-in-one solution.

Car dealership app customer solutions:
The auto dealer app by Webprogr for Android allows you to reach your vehicle dealer 24/7 via a free, downloadable smart phone app. Trouble free method to book your vehicle, to book for any repair or service. It gives psychological advantage to you that you have your car dealer in your hand or pocket.
Auto Dealer Solution features:
When your auto dealer app is in your customer’s phone, you can send sales, service or parts promotions, special coupons, detailed service reminders and offer loyalty programs. Reduce dramatically the dealer’s dependence on call centers as well as the money spent on call centers.
Increase sales and referrals from their customers while using this mobile app
Using Google maps to the fullest to lead customers to your enterprises with the dealer app 🙂
Why Invest in a Branded Mobile Auto Dealership App?
Reasons to invest in a Car sales App
·Deepen analytics & insight into customer behavior
* Provide a superior, customized service
* Use geo-fencing and push notifications for targeted digital campaigns
* Provide a seamless user experience through smart phone features
* Provide ease of access to customers who are already researching cars using their smart phones with YOUR car dealer app
Why us?
* A value added partner who is customer focused
* A choice between a fully customizable or ‘out of the box’ solutions
* An expert specialized in enterprise, dealer and after market offerings
* A best-mobile app development practices compliant company
Convert the mobile audience into requests and loyal customers;
Develop genuine relationships with your customers based on their needs;
Target messages and attract audiences to special offers and events;