Sudoku App 6 Levels

Available on Google Play Store and Opera Store

Sudoku Plus App 6 Levels for Android

The Sudokus | How to play Sudoku in general?

Sudoku is a funbrain numbers game, like a jigsaw sudoku, played on a 9x9 Sudoku board. The sudoku board is broken down into nine 3x3 squares. The objective of the sudoku game is simple. Every row, column, and 3 x 3 box in the Sudoku board must contain the digits 1 through 9 only once! As the difficulty progresses, the Sudoku Plus game becomes harder, and you'll have to employ more advanced and strategy to solve the puzzles. Of course you can use the Sudoku Solver button right there. To play Sudoku,game click an open space and either typing the number that belongs to that small square, or selecting it from the numbers on the side of the sudoku board. If the number is correct, the sudoku tile will slide into its correct slot. If not, the number will return to the outside. No time controls. To highlight numbers, click a number that has already been placed inside the Sudoku Plus puzzle.

  • Amazing app
    logic & thinking meets fun & games
  • Difficulty
    Select difficulty level from 1 to 6.
  • Strategy
    You'll have to employ more advanced and strategy to solve the puzzles
  • Solution
    Tap ‘Solve sodoku’ button to get all the numbers and solve the sudoku

Play Sudoku mobile app - Best Games for Commuters!

Needs just one hand to play.

Download now with six levels

Sure it will keep you playing this great Japanese sudoku game all day, every day!

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  • +91 044 24850191